Who Is Gracing The Event?

Amyra Rosli

Amyra Rosli is Safi Youth Gold brand ambassador for two consecutive years. Her endearing personality and talent has also land her a big hosting role with Nona. In fact, Amyra has been named the Most Trusted TV Host Presenter for News & Current Affairs for the second year in a row.

Bee Ramza

A professional makeup artist for celebrities and brides, Bee Ramza highly sought after by both local and international brands such as Tom Ford, Bobbi Brown, La Mer and many more. She’s a resourceful entrepreneur with other businesses under her belt – Ramza Studio (est. 2014) which focuses on photoshoot rental space as well as running LA VUE Malaysia (@lavue.my), an MDA certified cosmetics contact lenses business.

Bee Ramza

A professional makeup artist for celebrities and brides, Bee Ramza highly sought after by both local and international brands such as Tom Ford, Bobbi Brown, La Mer and many more. She’s a resourceful entrepreneur with other businesses under her belt – Ramza Studio (est. 2014) which focuses on photoshoot rental space as well as running LA VUE Malaysia (@lavue.my), an MDA certified cosmetics contact lenses business.

Erin Adlina

With 13 years of experience in the investment & financial planning industry, Erin Adlina is well known to the public with her extensive skills in Money Management & Public Speaking. She’s an inspiration & young icon to the millennial generation in advocating the importance of financial literacy as part of women’s empowerment, family wealth planning and building financial freedom. A firm believer of the Law of Attraction, Erin loves inspiring and motivating people to live up to the best version of themselves.

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